What if the disciple will not be obedient to the Word of God in matters such as baptism?
Review the teaching and the Word of God and do not go on further. Send a leader of the church to deal with the situation but be careful to not hurt the person, do everything in love. Do not move ahead in the lessons but continue to meet together as long as you can.
How long should it take to complete the Journey Discipleship Lessons?
Lessons One through Five are longer than Six through Ten, however you should complete a new believer within 18 months.
What should you do if your disciple is in financial trouble?
It is not advisable to give them money. You must pray for great wisdom in this area and ask your church leader for help.
What about very mature disciples?
If you detect your disciple is a very mature believer, go at a pace the Holy Spirit leads you to go at, but be careful. Some of your disciples will be mature enough that your one on one Discipleship is geared more towards training and not just discipling.
What about unfaithful disciples?
Don’t expect your disciple to change overnight in some areas. But with some disciples, you may need to take some time off until they are faithful.
What is the earliest age to be discipled?
Depending on the individual, typically 18 years old because they are more mature by that age.
Remember, your goal is not to finish, but to reproduce one on one Discipleship. Do not be afraid to challenge your disciple. Help your disciple when they are struggling. When they know you care, they will be more responsive.
Remember in one on one Discipleship sometimes there are stopping points and you can remain a successful discipler even when you do not finish a disciple who is unfaithful. If you disconnect from an unfaithful disciple in a loving way it leaves an open door for them to continue at some point in time. Be prepared for drop-out disciples to come back in the future.
It is not always your fault but when you have done your best and your disciple chooses not to continue, ask yourself “How can I learn from this to keep this from happening again?”
What if my disciple is not doing their Daily in the Word?
Help them by writing it out and working on it at your weekly one-on-one Discipleship meetings together.
What do you do if they will not memorize Bible verses?
Review the importance of God’s Word and do not go on to the next lesson until they are faithfully doing this. You can also be a good example to them by practicing memorizing Bible verses in your meetings with your disciple.